
Succulent with white flowers

Succulent with white flowers enhances the look of your indoor and outdoor settings. Blooming succulents give an aesthetic look to your front lawn and backyard, coming in a variety of forms, colours, and sizes.

Succulent with white flowers

We adore succulents for their bizarre geometric shapes and vibrant hues, but did you know that these desert plants also produce some of the most beautiful flowers?

Succulents have unique heat-repelling qualities that enable plants to thrive in desert-like environments. Fuzzy leaves are one way some of them cope with the heat. Check out this list of succulents with white flowers.

What succulent has white flowers?

Succulents and cacti are well-known for their low-maintenance and distinctive characteristics. However, one of the most underrated qualities is the very attractive blooms they produce.

Peruvian old lady cactus, echeveria Lola, woolly Senecio, snowflake cactus, tricolour jade, Brazilian old lady cactus, Arizona snowcap, white ghost, and white ghost cactus succulents are the most common white succulents. Some of these succulents only become white when they flower.

What succulent has white flowers
What succulent has white flowers

Snowflake Cactus

Another cactus species is snowflake, scientifically known as Euphoria polygona. It has black ribs and spines, blooms in the summer and early spring with dark purple flowers. Because it is harmful to humans and animals, this plant is best planted outside.

Snowflake cactus grows best in the following conditions:

Watering- It needs water every two weeks during the summer, spring, and summer. In the winter, water it once a month.
Temperature- Zone 9a temperatures are preferred (minimum of 20 degrees Fahrenheit).
Light- It can withstand up to 11 hours of indirect sunlight.
Soil- The optimum dirt for this plant is cactus soil (sandy-like) that drains quickly.

Snowflake Cactus
Snowflake Cactus

Brazilian old lady cactus

Did you know that this cactus species (Espostoopsis dybowskii) is related to the Peruvian Old Lady Cactus but is endemic to Brazil? Espostoopsis, like Peruvian cactus, has sharp spines that reach over the layer of woolly white hairs.

Planting it will increase the originality because it is one of the rarest species with a distinctive look. While it seldom matures in pots, you may still enjoy it as a houseplant.

The growth requirements for the Brazilian old lady white cactus are as follows:

  • Water it once every three weeks during hot weather and once every five to six weeks during cold weather.
  • It prefers direct sunlight (12 hours of indirect exposure to the sun).
Brazilian old lady cactus
Brazilian old lady cactus

Lola Succulent with white flowers

This is a hybrid between Echeveria lilacina and Echeveria deresina, is a low-maintenance white succulent that is ideal for beginners.

Because it is a “rosebud” shaped plant, its green leaves feature purple, pink, and even light blue streaks. During the previous months of spring, the plant will grow bell-shaped flower stalks.

This succulent is native to Mexico & Central America and may grow up to 6 inches tall if given the following conditions:

  • Partial sun- Preferably filtered to brilliant light with enough breeze.
  • Soil- It thrives in cactus soil, which drains water quickly and encourages enough air movement.
  • Watering- Water only when the soil is completely dry.
  • Temperatures- It must be robust to zone 9 temperatures (minimum of 20 degrees Fahrenheit).
Lola Succulent with white flowers
Lola Succulent with white flowers

Arizona snowcap

The Arizona Snowcap (Mammillaria gracilis) is a small cactus that can grow up to four inches tall when mature. Its one-inch green stems are coated in a dense covering of white spines.

This plant is drought-resistant, making it an ideal houseplant for novices or persons with hectic schedules. If properly cared for, it may grow to be 4 inches tall.

The following are the ideal growth conditions for Alphard:

  • Infrequent watering- This plant is sensitive to extended moisture exposure. In the summer, water it every three weeks.
  • Soil- Purchase a well-draining, aerated cactus mix.
  • Fertilizer – These applications should be made during the growth season.
  • Temperature- It favours hardiness zones 9a to 11b in terms of temperature (20-50 degrees Fahrenheit).
  • Repotting- During the warm season, repot it.
Arizona snowcap
Arizona snowcap

Tricolour Jade

Tricolor Jade (Crassula ovata) is a vertical-growing succulent native to the rocky slopes of South Africa and Mozambique. It’s a terrific houseplant that may be potted or grown outside as a wild, mounding shrub. It features glossy leaves with lime green & white stripes.

Note: When the light shines on its leaves, they turn pink. If you provide it with the proper circumstances, it will grow to a height of 8 inches:

  • Light- It needs 6 hours of sun in the morning.
  • Temperatures- Cannot handle temperatures below 20 degrees Fahrenheit. During the chilly winter months, keep it indoors in a well-insulated window.
  • Watering- Water it using the pan or sink soaking technique. For 10 minutes, place the earthenware pot on a pan of water to allow the bottom soil to absorb adequate water. Root rot is not indicated by little white or black spots on its leaves. These are pores that allow water to pass through.
  • Soil- Ideally cactus sandy soil drains quickly and is well-aerated.
Tricolour Jade
Tricolour Jade

Peruvian old lady cactus

The Peruvian Old Lady Cactus (Espostoa melanostele) is a greenish and white cactus with blooms that curl in during rainstorms and uncurl when it’s severely dry. It has gold-like spines and a thick wool-covered coat. Give it the proper conditions and watch it grow to 12 inches.

The following are the essential criteria for developing the Peruvian old lady cactus white succulent:

  • Indirect sunlight exposure- It needs early sunlight for 10-12 hours.
  • Water- Watering should be done every two weeks during the summer and once a month during the winter. in the winter Use deep watering to assist the roots to absorb water fast.
  • Temperatures- It will not withstand a strong freeze. Grow it inside with a grow lamp.
  • Soil-It should be planted in fast-draining, well-aerated cactus and succulent soil, especially coarse sand perlite. Mineral grit content ranges from 70% to 80% in this soil type.
  • Humidity- This plant thrives under excessive humidity. Place it in a place that draws water droplets in the air, such as near the bathroom or kitchen. Alternatively, you may get a nice humidifier.
Peruvian old lady cactus
Peruvian old lady cactus

White Ghost Succulent

The White Ghost (Euphorbia lactea variegate) is a cactus with all-white stems and spine ridges. It sheds its leaves over the summer, letting it survive in the toughest settings.

If the following conditions are met, a mature White Ghost succulent can reach a height of 10 feet.

  • Overwatering can cause root rot in this plant, so water it infrequently. Only water deeply when the soil is absolutely dry.
  • For enough feeding, use cactus potting mix.
  • Use a less strong cactus focus fertiliser.
  • It prefers very little bright light.
  • Humidity- It loves low humidity but may tolerate high humidity if not overwatered.
White Ghost Succulent
White Ghost Succulent

Woolly Senecio

Senecio haworthii, or Wooly Senecio, is a succulent thick shrub with a distinctive texture. Some people call it the Cocoon plant or the Ash weed. The plant is endemic to South Africa and may reach heights of 900 to 1200 metres.

Wooly senecio is a white succulent that produces beautiful yellow flowers during the summer when given the following growth conditions:

  • Watering- Fortnightly watering in the summer and monthly watering in the winter.
  • Soil- Prefers well-draining soil with lots of grit and sand or cactus soil mix.
  • Light- It thrives in full sunshine, ideally via windows.
  • Propagation- It propagates well through its leaves.
Woolly Senecio
Woolly Senecio

White Sprite

Dudleya gnoma, popularly known as a white sprite, is a white succulent with ghostly triangular leaves that resemble rosebuds. Because it is a rare and indigenous species, it can be grown in a well-draining soil mix as a conservatory plant.

It favours the following circumstances:

  • Full to mild sunshine shade is preferred (midday shade when summers are hot).
  • Temperatures- Prefers temperatures ranging from 9b to 11b. It may also grow in damp, chilly winters.
  • Watering infrequently—provide water every three weeks in the spring and fall.
  • Cultivation and propagation- Grow it as an indoor plant in a fast-draining soil mix or as a perennial plant outdoors.
white sprite succulent
white sprite succulent

White Ice Succulent with white flowers

The drought-resistant plant Agave titanota, often known as white ice, is endemic to Mexico. It can grow to be one to two inches tall depending on the following conditions:

  • Sunlight- Prefers moderate to full sun.
  • Temperatures- Can thrive in as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit (zones 9a to 11).
  • Potting soil- When re-potting, use new fast-draining soil to offer nutrients to the plant throughout the first growing season.
White Ice Succulent with white flowers
White Ice Succulent with white flowers

String of pearls

The String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus) is an unusual-looking succulent with long strings of leaves that resemble a pearl necklace. If you want to use it as a houseplant, grow it in a hanging basket. Apply the following maintenance instructions and watch it bloom with small and fuzzy flowers:

  • Watering infrequently: Follow the watering pattern seen in its natural habitat. It enjoys a hot, dry climate with little to no rain. As a result, irrigation should occur at least three times each month.
  • Soil- Use coarse, quick-draining soil.
String of pearls
String of pearls

Note: String of pearls is very unique low maintenance succulent you can also check out String of Pearls (Senecio Rowleyanus) ultimate care guide

Sunbal Razzaq

Sunbal Razzaq is the founder & CEO of Succulent Propagation

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