Haworthia obtusa a low-care succulent

Haworthia Obtusa is a tiny succulent Haworthia species native to South Africa’s Eastern Cape. The aloaceae family and Haworthia genus include the haworthia obtusa. It is a tiny perennial with distinctive vivid leather-like green leaves that form clusters.
Haworthia obtusa
This succulent plant is also known by the botanical name Haworthia Cymbiformis, however, you may get it in your local nursery by the following names:
- Window aloe
- Cushion haworthia
- Zebra cactus
- window plant
- Haworthia Cooperi
Fragrance and Flowering
The haworthia obtusa blooms throughout the spring and summer, although they aren’t very colorful or large. The blooms are typically white with pale pink veins.
The blossoms reach a height of around eight inches. The blooms of this succulent have no particular scent.

Haworthia Obtusa Propagation
The main advantage of haworthia obtusa is its ease of propagation.
Cut an offshoot or collect leaf cuttings from the mother plant in the spring or summer. Allow the leaves or offset to rest for a month before planting. Allowing the leaves to rest allows them to properly recuperate before planting.
Plant the basal leaf side down into new soil after a month. After approximately a month or two, you should notice the emergence of a new plant.

Haworthia obtusa Maintenance
This is an excellent houseplant since it is low-maintenance. Beginners will appreciate this succulent’s endurance. This plant needs only little maintenance. The only thing you need to do to keep it alive is to have an appropriate water supply and keep it from becoming too chilly.
If there is a persistent frost, cover it thoroughly or bring it indoors. Maintaining this plant succulent is very simple; it does not require frequent trimming. Only if the plant is invading the area or you wish to move a portion of it to another site should you chop off its leaves.
Soil and Planting
Because it allows for improved air circulation,and will flourish as a potted plant in a drier, well-draining soil mix. As a result, it’s critical to drain any potting soil before planting. Plant it in a shallow (10-15 cm) container with a drainage hole and permeable soil.
Succulent-specific soils are available on the market and may be found at most nurseries. Another alternative is to combine multiple components to produce own cactus combination.
Knowing exactly what goes into homemade cactus or succulent soil is a benefit. Then you’ll know how frequently and how much to water the plant to keep it alive.
If you wish to cut a section of the plant to transplant somewhere, use a knife rather than scissors. Scissors can injure and even kill the leaves.
After being sliced, the leaves take roughly a month to grow a scab. The leaves are suitable for sowing after a scab forms.
Temperature and light
The haworthia obtusa enjoys some partial shade, but it grows best in an area with a lot of strong sun and shade during the warmest portion of the day.
The haworthia obtusa is a year-round plant that can withstand extreme heat and cold. The succulent can withstand a little frost (-5 degrees Celsius) if covered, but it must be kept indoors during colder weather.
The succulent will withstand the summer months as long as it receives some water to avoid withering.
Size and Development
The haworthia obtusa is a tiny succulent with rosettes up to six inches across. Despite its little size, this succulent packs a punch. Because of the spreads, it makes a great ground cover.
Feeding and watering of Haworthia obtusa
Like many succulents, the haworthia obtusa does not require much irrigation. It grows most throughout the fall, winter, and spring months, with the fall and spring being the most active.
Water it often throughout these months. Wait for the soil to dry before watering the plant. When this is not growing in the summer, water is just enough to keep the leaves from shriveling up. During the growth season, it requires only one application of fertilizer. After that, no special meal is required.
Major issues
The haworthia obtusa is not threatened by any important diseases or pests. If there is too much water in the potting mix, the succulent can occasionally suffer root rots.
Note: Reduce your watering schedule to alleviate this issue. Root rots, on the other hand, can be fatal if not treated properly.
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