
String of Pearls (Senecio Rowleyanus) ultimate care guide

String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus) is a lovely and unique succulent that would complement any indoor plant collection. This plant is native to South Africa and is distinguished by its tiny, spherical leaves that grow in clusters on thin, trailing stalks.

String of Pearls

This lovely hanging succulent is well-known for its pearl-like spherical leaves that flow over the container’s edges. Each leaf has a tiny gap down the center through which light may pass, allowing for additional area for photosynthesis. This offers the advantage of exposing less surface area to desert heat while still retaining water in severe conditions. It has a lovely trailing habit, making it ideal for hanging baskets or trailing over shelves and tabletops.

String of Pearls hanging succulent
String of Pearls hanging succulent

How to propagate String of Pearls?

The string of Pearls can be propagated in two ways:

  1. stem cuttings propagation
  2. division propagation
How to propagate String of Pearls
How to propagate String of Pearls

Propagation via Division

  • Lift the plant gently from its pot and divide it into two or three portions, ensuring that each section contains multiple leaves and roots.
  • Plant the portions in separate pots and water lightly. Place the pots in a light, ideally warm, setting.
  • The divisions should take root within a few weeks.
  • Both techniques of propagation will result in a new String of Pearls plants that are identical to the parent plant.
  • It should be noted that seeds may also be used to reproduce plants, but they are scarce and take a long time to mature.

Propagation via Stem Cutting

  • In late spring or summer, take a 4- to 6-inch snip from the tip of a healthy stem.
  • Remove the leaves from the cutting’s lowest 2 inches.
  • Plant the cutting in a succulent or cactus mix that drains well and water moderately.
  • Put the plant somewhere bright.
  • Within 4 to 6 weeks, the cutting should root from the nodes underground.


String of Pearls blooms in late spring and early summer. Small white blooms with fine white hairs and crimson stamens. Indoor plants may not usually blossom, however dry circumstances might boost the plant’s chances.

Basic Care conditions for String of Pearls

The String of Pearls can produce little, white blooms in late spring or summer with regular care. While this plant is quite simple to care for, there are a few things to consider while growing it inside. The parts that follow will teach you all you need to know about caring for your trailing vine.

String of Pearls plant
String of Pearls plant


Pruning is not only required but also rather simple for this plant. Simply use a sharp knife or pruning shears to trim the stems to the appropriate length. To avoid any difficulties, disinfect before cutting.

The plant will swiftly recover, frequently growing much thicker than before. The cuttings can also be used to propagate new plants.


Because this plant is a succulent, it does not need a lot of water. Overwatering, in fact, may be lethal. After a session, wait a few minutes before watering extensively to allow the soil to dry out. Before watering, check the soil moisture with your fingertips. Water more frequently in the summer than in the winter.


Keep the plant away from freezing temperatures. In the summer, the optimal temperature range is 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. In the winter, temperatures range from 55 to 60 degrees.

Sun Light

The String of Pearls plant needs good, indirect sunshine to keep its form and avoid straining. If feasible, position your plant near a south or west-facing window. If you are unable to offer perfect circumstances, you can supplement with artificial light for 12 to 16 hours every day.

Proper place

When selecting a place, avoid placing your plant in a draught or near heating vents. Allow the stems to trickle down the sides of the container rather than keep them pent up inside. It does not appear appealing and is a squandered chance.


This vine enjoys a dry climate but can withstand high humidity. Unlike other succulents that perish when exposed to excessive moisture, you can simply match this with humidity-loving plants. However, consider transferring it to a drier place anyway, since this will increase the odds of flowers throughout the flowering season.


This plant does not require fertilizer in and of itself, but it will not damage. During the spring and summer months, feed your String of Pearls with a succulent fertilizer once a month. Winter fertilization is not recommended.

String of Pearls important questions to know

Here are some common but important questions to know about the string of pearls.

How to Potting String of Pearls?

A string of Pearls grows in a succulent mix that drains well. You may build your own mix or purchase one from your local garden shop. It flourishes when its roots are firmly restricted, so use a compact container. A 4-inch pot works well.

How to care for string of pearls?

These vines require bright light. They also need a well-draining succulent mix and should be repotted every 1 to 2 years. 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit temperatures in summer and 50-60 degrees in winter are optimal. The sap is toxic, so use gloves when handling it. Mealybugs and aphids are occasional visitors that you can control with good-quality pesticides.

How much water should give to the string of pearls?

A string of Pearls receives relatively little water in its native environment. These vines have evolved to retain water in their leaves, allowing them to go for extended periods without being watered. When watering, wait until the potting mix is totally dry before giving any water. Water the plant once a week throughout the growth season and less frequently in the winter.

How to Make a Pearl String Fuller?

The string of Pearls will fill out gradually. Simply pinch off the developing tips periodically to make it bigger. This stimulates the plant to develop additional side branches.

How to repotting a string of pearls?

This quick-growing vine will require repotting every 1 to 2 years. When repotting, use a well-draining succulent mix & a pot with at least one, preferably more, holes at the bottom.

How to save a string of pearls from common Pests?

This strong plant is resistant to most pests and illnesses. Mealybugs and aphids, on the other hand, can be an issue on occasion. Insecticide soap or neem oil can be used to control them.

Also, see Haworthia obtusa a low-care succulent.

Sunbal Razzaq

Sunbal Razzaq is the founder & CEO of Succulent Propagation

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